The Best Time To Plant Trees

Planting a tree follows a certain schedule during the year. You cannot just plant trees whenever you feel like it. Trees, especially when they are still very young, are very delicate and can be very sensitive to specific weather conditions. Knowing the right time to plant trees will increase the trees’ chances of survival.

For an expert’s advice on tree planting , you can contact a tree service Cumming, GA company nearest your place. These companies have long years of experience caring for trees. They offer all kinds of services related to trees, including landscaping , tree removal , tree planting , tree trimming , etc. You need their services especially if your tree planting project involves plenty of trees and preparing a wide area for planting.

But the existence of these tree service companies doesn’t mean you need not learn some basic information about tree planting . It’s not all the time that you need to hire the services of professionals. Tree planting, especially if it only involves a few trees to be planted in your backyard, can be simple. The first thing you should learn is identifying the best time of the year when to do the planting.

In general, early spring or late winter is the best time to plant trees. If your schedule doesn’t permit it, then your next best choice is autumn. Never plant trees on a summer, when the weather’s too hot. Growing plants are sensitive to too much heat. It’s not good to plant in full winter, too, for the sole reason that the ground will have frozen at this time. But if you did your digging before winter, then it’s all right to plant during winter. When you plant at early to middle of winter, you have to sufficiently water your plants.

While intense heat is one of the major enemies of newly-planted saplings, lack of water for their roots is a different consideration. This is one thing you need to consider during winter, which is not a dry time of the year. But still, your plants’ roots may not receive enough water. The snow’s moisture cannot seep through the soil and into the roots unless the snow has melted and the ground has thawed.

The wet and cold weather condition might fool you into thinking that your newly-planted trees are getting enough supply of water for their delicate roots. On the contrary, what happens in cold climates is that there’s some sort of a desert condition happening as far as trees are concerned. That’s why always make sure you water your plants during these cold times.

Via EPR Network
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Finding The Best Landscape Trees For Your Yard

Choosing which type of landscape trees to use for your yard must be a product of research. You don’t just pick any tree that interests you and grow it in your yard. You need to consider their aesthetics effects they have on your yard all year round. Here is a list of landscape trees that are ideal for each season in a temperate region.


Magnolia trees are best for spring. After the snow and when everything springs back to life, there should be plenty of colors in your yard. A yard that is well-landscaped must have flowering trees of great beauty. Apple trees of different varieties are also great bloomers in themselves. When you see how they bloom, you will think their fruit is just a bonus.


While flowers are good, you need more than just colors for your yard. It means you need trees that show off their beauty during more than one season. We’re talking about dogwood trees. They bloom during spring and they grow amazing branching pattern during summer. And they are favorite of birds. Japanese maple trees are another type of trees for more than one season.


Some of the maples in North America and Europe are equally beautiful in Autumn as they are during summer. And they are larger, too, which accentuates their color in fall. Notice that even on a cloudy day during fall, the sky seems to light up because of maple trees.


Your yard must also have blue spruce trees. We have mentioned trees that provide beauty to your yard in spring, summer and fall. But during winter when all the colorful foliage is gone, what will remain of your yard? Here is where the evergreen landscape trees come in. These trees include dwarf Alberta spruce trees, arborvitae trees, and the Nellie R. Stevens holly. Birch trees are also useful in winter because of their branching patterns and their bark that is unusually pleasing.

To mix all these beautiful trees in your backyard, you need the help of a professional tree service in San Mateo, CA. More than just offering tree planting and tree trimming services, a tree service company can also helps you get the trees that you want for your yard and work on your landscaping project. You can find a tree service company online and learn more about them and the services they offer.

Via EPR Network
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What You Need To Know About Professional Tree Removal

Let’s face it tree removal is one of those things that most of us don’t think about until we actually need it. Then we may not know where to turn or what to do. Some of us may have cut down trees years ago but most of us haven’t.

Fortunately there is somewhere we can turn for help when a tree dies, fall down, gets sick or becomes a problem. That somewhere is professional Sunnyvale tree services. A professional tree service has all the equipment and expertise needed to remove almost any tree no matter what size.

They can take care of other problems such as getting rid of the trunk and the stump as well. Best of all a Sunnyvale tree service can give you a free estimate on the removal before they begin work so you will know exactly what it will cost.

The problem oak can be gone quickly and it can look as if was never there in the first place. Every trace of the tree can be removed by the professionals. They can even get rid of the stump by grinding it down. That means you can have that area of the yard for gardening or expanding the lawn or a building site cleared. You can even them plant a new tree to take another one’s place.

If you need more details or information about Sunnyvale tree removal simply call a tree service today. Its professionals can tell you everything you need to know including the cost and what is entailed.

Via EPR Network
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